Vadim Titko

I’m Vadim Titko, a Machine Learning Engineer. Currently, I am working at Revolut.

Before that, I worked at:

  • AIBY, a major mobile applications publisher, where I focused on Generative AI.
  • AIBolit, a medical startup, where we developed algorithms for abdominal structures segmentation on MRIs.
  • APRO Software, a small outsourcing firm, where I built recommendation systems.

I graduated from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics with a bachelor's in Computer Science.

Sometimes I write articles, you can check them out in the blog section. Or you can find me on Medium, I publish there as well.

At the moment, I am living in Warsaw, Poland. Here, I organize monthly dinners for developers. You can join us!

Also, in the small team, we are building our own mobile applications. They are simple and a little silly, but we love them nonetheless. You can check them out below.

For those applications I worked on Machine Learning models, backend and a little bit of DevOps.

You can reach me via email or LinkedIn. I am always open to new opportunities and interesting projects. You can download my resume.